Software and Circular Economy

Software supports circular economy; at the same time the instruments of circular economy serve as tools for circular software development. This insight matured during a workshop. The discussion arose about the extent to which software itself can be considered circular. Up to now, I had seen digitization, Big Data and other software solutions mainly as enablers for circular economy, less as objects for the use of circular strategies themselves. In this blog I will discuss both how software supports circular economy and which analogies exist between software and circularity.

Economy for the common good to ensure a secure future for organisations

In the last few weeks I have been working intensively on the Economy for the common good. With every conversation I have with people from my surroundings, my conviction increases: An economy based on this way of thinking is the way forward. In order to be able to do business together, with joy and with consideration for the environment. This is exactly what distinguishes sustainability.